SOLD - 48x60
SOLD - 48x48
SOLD. 24x36.
SOLD. 24x36. Oil on canvas.
SOLD. 12x16
SOLD. 24 x36.
SOLD. 24x36.
SOLD. 24x36.
SOLD - 62x92
SOLD - 48x48
SOLD - 36x36
SOLD - 16x20
SOLD - 36x36
SOLD - 24x24
The New Day series was borne on the heels of a year spent steeped in anxiety from the pandemic as well as social injustice and political angst. Now, 2021 could provide resolution from much of that and help us begin to step into the light. In that way, the feeling I was having behind this series is this idea of changing perspective. Instead of looking in to the dark, we’re looking into the horizon a bit. A new day is here to help us heal and enjoy this beautiful future.