SOLD - Ruby - unstretched, 50x80

SOLD - Sailor’s Delight - 48x60

SOLD - Daybreak - 48x60

SOLD - Calm Before the Storm - 48x48

SOLD - Rolling Hills - 48x60

SOLD - Lake Sunset - 48x60

SOLD - Peace and Power - 48x48, unstretched

SOLD - Anthurium - 24x24

SOLD - Hiding Peacock - 36x48

SOLD - Neon Trees - 24x36

SOLD - Blue Roses - 36x36

SOLD - Hummingbird Diptych - 30x40 each

SOLD - Hopeful Waters - 48x48

SOLD - Single Red Rose - 24x24

SOLD - Autumn Burst - 36x36