The New Day series was borne on the heels of a year steeped in anxiety from the pandemic, as well as racial injustice and political angst, to name a few challenges of 2020. Now, 2021 feels like we’re beginning to come out of that darkness and step into the light. The feeling behind this series is this idea of changing perspective. Instead of looking in to the dark, we’re looking into the horizon a bit. A new day is here to help us heal and enjoy this beautiful future.
The artistic foundation of the New Day series is a focus on light; these grand or sweeping or dramatic changes in light and dark. Each of the paintings in the New Day series features either the sun itself or indirect light, which is bright white and has an enriching effect on the other elements of the composition. Light makes the darks darker, the colors more colorful, and it adds a sense of excitement and energy. The combination of lots and lots of shapes plus an outpouring of light has a synergistic effect on the energy in the finished paintings.
Welcome, to the New Day.
Paintings are sold unframed. Styled using #ArtRooms.
Paintings are sold unframed. Styled using #ArtRooms.
Paintings are sold unframed. Styled using #ArtRooms.
Paintings are sold unframed. Styled using #ArtRooms.
Paintings are sold unframed. Styled using #ArtRooms.
Paintings are sold unframed. Styled using #ArtRooms.
Paintings are sold unframed. Styled using #ArtRooms.